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Dealer Logon
On the Dealer Logon page you can either register as a dealer or log on to your account. Note: If your dealership is not registered, you need to complete the dealer registration process and set up an account before you are able to log on.
Dealer Registration
To register as a dealer, click the “Register Now” link to go to the Dealer Registration page. To register you need to provide information about the dealership being registered and information about the contact person, including:
To log on to your account, enter your information into the Username, Password, and Dealer Number fields and then click
Maximum Failed Logon Attempts
If you unsuccessfully try to log on too many times and reach the maximum number of failed logon attempts, the account is locked and an e-mail is sent to the e-mail address associated with the account.
Logon Failed
If your attempt to log on fails, you may have entered an invalid password or username. You should use the “Recover Password” or “Recover Username” link to recover the username or password.
Account Locked
An account is locked after you unsuccessfully attempt to log on to the account too many times. To unlock the account, you should contact an administrator at the dealership. The administrator can click on the Unlock icon () next to the locked user on the User Maintenance page. Or you can contact the financial institution.
Successful Log Off
A “Logged Off” message appears at the top of the Dealer Logon page when you have successfully logged off of eGOLDTrak. It’s important to log off of your account whenever possible. However, if you forget to log off, the system automatically expires the session.
Recover Password
To recover a password, click on the “Recover Password” link. You need your username, dealer number, and the answer to your secret question to recover a password. Once you have successfully recovered a password, the password is reset and an e-mail with the new password is sent to the e-mail address associated with the account. Reset passwords can be changed on the Profile page.
Recover Username
To recover a username, click on the “Recover Username” link. You need your e-mail address, date of birth, dealer number, and the answer to your secret question to recover a username. Once you have successfully recovered a username, an e-mail with the username is sent to the e-mail address associated with the account.
The following links are available at the bottom of this page.
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